Your name, and some other basic information about yourself. MAKE SURE TO STATE YOUR TIMEZONE! Adrian, 16 years old, Im from Canada (-7 timezone)
The in-game name on which you wish to have your rank. Dela
Past Experience (other RSPS or RS itself) I almsot all the time get moderator or admin like in or pvp realm
What makes you unique I've helped players many players usually love me helpfull in-game and in chatbox
Why you would be good for this position. I like helping players and stop other moderators or administrators abusing their powers i've I see someone abusing i dont tell them i tell the owner so he can do something about it.
Why you would like to be moderator. Beacause I want people saying theres good staff on this server nice , instead off saying theres bad staff on this server, abusers etc.
Why you deserve this position. Because I think this server should have a good staff nd non-abusers
Any other information you can give that would further benefit your application. Be creative. Think outside the template. I can be active like 4 - 5 hours a day, in both forums and in-game, I will always be glad to help other players and never gonna abuse powers, or break rules